jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Night of hate number 5

If there is a thing I really hate is compulsory reading books. COME ON! Why do you have to force me to read books I actually don't want to? Why do I have to read books that I don't like? I love when teachers encourage teenagers to read books, saying that they are an amazing source of knowledge and entertainment. But what's the point on making people do things that they don't like? Do I make you dress in a way you don't like? Do I make you watch series or films you don't like? No, because you just don't enjoy them, and you will end up being upset, as I am now. Upset and tired. Thanks God I know this would happen and I did the rest of the work that had to be done before, because, seriously, there's nothing I could hate more that being forced to do things I don't like,

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