martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

Spacesh*t is meant to fly (compulsory)

The outerspace is full of sh*t, and it is getting more and more dirty each day.

The amount of things that we are sending to the space is increasing everyday. We are making it full of unnatural things that pollute the galaxy just so we can get a benefit of it.
For example, there are like 26.000 objects orbiting around the Earth, and only a 7% of them (around 560) are actually working, while the rest is just space debris.
And we still haven't said anything about spaceships and the amount of pollution they produce. Around 70 ships take off from the surface of our planet every year, which also involves a lot of messing up.

In conclusion, we, as human beings, the only thing we do is take advantage of the nature and the enviroment, exploding it and destroying it so we can get as many things as we can.

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